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All these are British commodities, and all these are things of which farmers stand too much in need of to-day. We should like to see our farms improved and in that way, and money spent upon British manufactures. I venture to say without fear of contradiction that no Chancellor of the Exchequer has conferred such a boon upon agriculture as my right hon. Friend the present Chancellor of the Exchequer. the Chancellor of the Exchequer has recognised the claims of the local authorities, but that is not the point. My point is that, if right hon. and hon. Gentlemen above the Gangway voted for the principle in the old Parliament, and thus led the electors in their constituency to conclude they would be loyal to that vote in the event of their being returned again, we have a right to complain that they are departing from that vote and the impression created in the constituency by refusing to vote now for the very same principle.

The funeral, which took place on Tuesday afternoon to Blaris, was largely attended, and was representative of the business community of the town. Rev. E. W. Young, M.A., Methodist minister, conducted impressive services in the house and at the graveside.
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He said that the rich should be made to bear their share according to their wealth, but no sooner had he said so than he proceeded to say, “let the poor pay according to their necessity.” ing the Poor Law, and supposing that measure gets the whole-hearted support of the Labour party, I make bold to say that my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer and some of his colleagues on the present Government Bench will be supplied with splendid material for going on every platform in the country and for using their opportunities in this House to declare that that measure is Socialism and Socialistic merely because the Labour party, including within its ranks, as I hope it will, the present Members for Blackburn and Merthyr Tydvil, are giving it their enthusiastic support. They want much surer ground for describing any of the proposals of the Budget as Socialism.

(243H.) I was on duty in the Whitechapel Road on March; 5th, about 7 p.m., when I was sent for to the King’s Arms—I saw the prisoners there and two other men—I arrested Bonn for riotous conduct—he said, “Let go of me, I will have your f—-g life, you bastard”—he became very violent, and hit me on my jaw and caused my mouth to bleed—Brooks caught hold of me by my collar, and said, “Come on Jack, have a f—-g go for it”—I took Bonn, and another officer took Brooks to the station. I have attended the billiard-room since I returned from Africa, about two weeks before the assault—I look after the billiard-room for my brother—my brother made a book in the street—I was not at the gambling house at all. I saw you a good time back when you asked me for a shilling outside Aldgate Station in July or August last year—I told the Magistrate I did not know you—I did not see you with the billiard cue—one of you made a strike at me with a cue, I did not know which—you were guarding the door—your head was bandaged—I did not see a bandage round your eyes. (Detective K.) On April 2nd I saw the prisoner at Abbey Wood, Woolwich Arsenal—I told him I should arrest him for stabbing a man at Limehouse—he said, “I know nothing about it, I was never in Limehouse in my life”—he was placed with eight other black men and identified—he said, “I am done, I admit it”—I went to his lodgings and found this knife—I showed it to him, and he said, “That is what I did it with.” The prisoner’s statement before the Magistrate. “I should like to ask you to have that child examined by a doctor who has no connection with the police or me. They seem in doubt as to whether the child was beaten with this iron or probed with it, and they take the side of the prosecution. I strongly deny striking it on the head or on any other part of its body barring its arse.” I think the prisoner could easily have put an end to the child’s life with one blow if he had chosen, but it depends where he hit it.
Great Southern And Western Railway (ireland)
Gentleman went on to ask what contribution the Opposition had made during these Debates to the finding of this £16,000,000. I do not myself think that it is the duty of an Opposition to find money for the Government of the day. I observe that almost every speaker on the other side has occupied much time in criticising what he conceives to be the Budget of the next Unionist Government. I admire their energy and vigour; but, for my part, I think one Budget is quite enough to deal with at a time. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. The town of Sheffield grew on the industry and enterprise and energy of its inhabitants and its manufacturers. The population of Sheffield grew, and they wanted houses; they wanted not only houses, but they wanted shops and factories, and for shops, factories, and houses you want land.
It bad been noised abroad that Jake Kilrain, who has come from America to fight Jim Smith for the championship, was in the neighbourhood. The news was soon confirmed, for the redoubtable Jake, accompanied by another gentleman of the same muscular profession affectionately known as Charley Alitclieli, soon app ared walking majes- ticallly down the street.
The Picture House did a right merry business during the holiday, and Manager Darlington had the satisfaction of seeing all records broken as regards attendance. At our local dictrict hospital Dr Murphy, acting on instructions of the Guardians, saw to it that extra Christmas fare, where it did not in any way interfere with the progress of the patients, was provided, and pre-war customs were observed. Antrim Infirmary and Thompson Memorial Home extras, as well as specially contributed comforts from outside friends, were also the order of the day, and not since long before the war was such a happy Christmas spent. All over there was a greater air of gaiety, and, on the whole, everybody seemed to enjoy the old-time Christmas. The mail was the heaviest on record, and the postal staff, from Mr. Jas. Shanks, postmaster, downwards, deserve the warmest thanks of the public for the way they dealt with it. We had pleasure in witnessing for a short time the staff at work at one of its busiest periods, and we can personally testify to the fact that if there was any delay it certainly was not at the Lisburn end, where both letters and parcels were sorted and sent out with astonishing order, exactness and celerity.
- 2d.—a number of bills are omitted from the bill-book—the capital by the prisoner’s balance-sheet on May 31st, 1899, is £25,653 11s.
- Owing to the difficulties of recruiting and the fact that all recruits have to undergo six weeks’ training, no additional constables available for this purpose have yet been enrolled.
- But the point I make is that they find no difficulty whatever there in making their valuation, and I do not know why there should be any insuperable difficulty in this country.
- Six or seven years ago we imported into this country annually 7,000,000 sacks of flour, and we are importing now 4,000,000 sacks or thereabouts.
But it is justified on the ground that it has reduced the spirit revenue by 20 per cent. Member for the Rushcliffe Division (Mr. Ellis) yesterday regarded that as a complete justification. Gentlemen opposite think that that ought to go? Would a tax be justifiable which reduced the spirit revenue by 100 per cent? There surely must be a limit. and now I am not talking about the £70,000, but about the revenue when it matures. It would probably mean an extra twopence on the works, and is it not fair that the landlord should contribute out of his increment rather than that you should put an extra burden on the owners who have spent so much capital, energy, and enterprise, and have taken so much risk in developing the industry of the district.
Intermediate Examinations (ireland)
It does not even come from the landed class. I do not think a word has been said to indicate that there is any greater rush of British money out of the country to-day than there was before the Budget was introduced. cording to their necessities? This is what we have been protesting against ever since we entered Parliament. Nobody, who has studied the process of indirect taxation can have any other opinion than, if you levy according to necessity you will be imposing a very severe punishment upon the workman. We all know that the necessities of the married man with a family dependent upon him, with six, and it may be eight, mouths to feed, compared with the necessities of the single man are something like eight times greater, and, according to his necessities, he has got to pay. I have heard no explanation of this point.
to Dr. Theodore Mayerne for charges in removing himself and family out of France. [Docquet, June 17.]June 18.Grant to Sir Rich. Hussey and his heirs, of a remainder of lands and tenements, co. Montgomery, fraudulently conveyed to the King and his heirs by Robt. Lloyd and his wife, with purpose to prevent Godfrey Lewis from disposing of the same, &c.
(City Detective Sergeant.) On March 11th I went with Mr. Escofel and Byrne and another officer, to the prisoner’s address, 346, Hackney Road —we waited from 10 a.m. Wormwood Street, City—on March 17th, about 2 o’clock, someone gave me a bad coin for some pale and bitter ale, price 1 1/2 d.—I cannot say whether either of the prisoners were there—I asked the person how he got it—he said, “I changed a half-sovereign at a house in Liverpool Road”—he gave me a good shilling and I gave him the change—Underwood was there. So I’m sure anybody trading the markets knows exactly what I’m talking about. When they get a little bit whippy, harder to read, you can’t really see the swings. It’s marginal land, and you’re going to be much more prone to make mistakes.
In the interval it has been discussed, I venture to say, with a freeness and a fulness of detail almost, if not entirely, without precedent in our recent Parliamentary annals. It has emerged from that ordeal, not in any way transformed in point of principle, but improved, as its authors would be the first to admit, in many matters of detail, and supplemented by a number of carefully devised provisions to prevent or to mitigate any possible case of hardship. And, when in a few moments you, Sir, from the Chair put the final Question, it will, as I believe, receive the sanction of an overwhelming majority of the only authority in this country which has any constitutional competence to deal with or to regulate our national finances. I have been struck, in listening to this Debate on the third reading—I think there I agree with the right hon. Gentleman opposite—I have been struck, apart from some extraneous and scarcely relevant topics of debate, in the thinness of the attack, not due, I need scarcely say, to any lack of dialectical skill, or rhetorical resource, or, I will add, ardour of conviction on the part of those who have conducted the attack, but due, I think, to the fact that in the absence of more substantial enemies they have been compelled to devote most of their time to grappling with ghosts and fighting against shadows of their own creation. upon the fact that land values within municipalities are supposed to have gained an advantage from the rates to which they have not added. That may be a good reason or a bad reason, but it is no reason for the Chancellor of the Exchequer to take his stand upon.
On the 1726 map the district between the road and the railway was even then marked as “cut out moss.” “Together we rebuilt the important bonds needed between any club and supporter. I wish you all even better times ahead.” Privacy Noticeexplains more about how we use your data, and your rights. You can unsubscribe at any time.
When Sapsford and the prisoner struggled and fell, the prisoner was on top. I am an electrician, living at 13, Stanmore Street, Caledonian Road—Ernest Sapsford is my brother-in-law—I remember being in the Tiger public-house with him and Fuggle and the prisoner on Boxing morning—I did not hear Sapsford say anything particular to the prisoner—I saw what I thought to be a piece of lead in the prisoner’s hand three to four inches long and about one inch wide—after the girl had been murdered my brother-in-law said something to me about the incident in the Tiger—I cannot fix the date. I was present at Stoke Newington Station when Hannaford and others were there to see whether they could identify the prisoner—after the identification was over, and the prisoner was being removed to the cells, I saw Hannaford there—he spoke to me alone, and said either”I am satisfied he is the man now” or”I am sure he is the man now”—I made no reply, because he had not looked at the men like anyone would have done, who was there for the purpose of identification—there were thirteen men with the prisoner standing in a line. That was after all the men had left—when the prisoner was placed with a number of others he said he could not point him out, and he did not pick him out, but when the prisoner was going to the cells he said words to the effect I mentioned—I made the remark, “It is no good now, you have failed to identify him.” (Detective-Inspector.) I was present at Stoke Newington Station when Frederick Hannaford and others came to identify the prisoner—Hannaford did not pick anybody out—after all the persons had been called in to inspect the row of men they dispersed, and the prisoner was put in the cells—Hannaford was standing with Wilcocks, Dent, and another man—Hannaford said in my hearing, “I believe that is the man,” or”I think that is the man,” or words to that effect.
that I spoke in April last to the present. I quite admit that if there is no other way of finding the necessary resources for carrying on the work of this country and fulfilling its obligations, you must have recourse to Income Tax and Death Duties to an amount and of a character which would have horrified every great financier, Liberal or Conservative, in the past. It would have horrified Sir William Harcourt, Mr. Gladstone, and all their predecessors. It may be a necessity, an evil and unhappy necessity, and it is not upon those taxes on the rich that any fair controversialist will for one moment assert that we have concentrated the forces of the Opposition. I am not going to discuss either the extraordinary complexity or difficulties of the measure which the Government wish to press through the House. They are going to get nothing out of the Land Taxes this year; that is, of course, a matter of common knowledge, as was admitted to the full by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to-night.
I am female searcher at East Dulwich police station—I searched the prisoner on March 17th and found on her this new post office savings bank book—she said that she had the money and knew where to find it, and that she took it so that her husband should not have it to spend across the road, and if she got twenty years she would never say what she had done with it. I offered the prisoner a little money sometimes for my maintenance which I had sent to me but she refused to take it. .—The Jury stated that they thought the way the Society carried out their work gave the prisoner an opportunity of carrying out this fraud. The prisoner produced a written defence, complaining of the difficulties of an agent, and the defects in inspection, and stating that he had no intention to defraud. (Detective Sergeant.) I found the prisoner detained at Hackney police station on March 4th—I told him I held a warrant for his arrest and read it to him—it is for feloniously forging and uttering, well knowing the same to be forged certain undertakings for the payment of money—he made no reply—I took him to Brixton police station—when formally charged he made no reply. I am the wife of William Bishop, of 66, Overbury Street, Clapton Park—the signature on this proposal is not mine—the prisoner came and asked me to insure; I said no, and that I paid into the Prudential as much as I could afford—he said, “I want you to do me a good turn,” and knowing him I gave him my husband’s name and my own and the children’s, and he said that there would be nothing to pay—I did not consent to insure or pay ninepence a week—I paid nothing. Clapham—the signature to this proposal, “W. Hargrave “of that address’ is not mine—I did not insure my wife’s and my life for £16 4s.—the prisoner called and said, “I have put you in the Royal Liver.”I said, “Have you?” he said, “Will you speak up for me?”I said, “Yes, I should think so”—I did not know he had signed my name—I thought he meant to do a bit of dirty work—I never paid any premium.
Wodehouse (Tim Pigott-Smith) is living in Le Touquet, France, with his wife Ethel . When the German army descends upon France, Wodehouse is arrested and held prisoner in an internment camp in Tost, Upper Silesia. Throughout his imprisonment, Wodehouse keeps an account of his experiences; amusing his fellow inmates with his witty observations, the like of which had already made him a successful and much loved writer the world over. However, the German Foreign Ministry soon comes up with the idea that Wodehouse may be convinced to broadcast on the Radio to ostensibly soften the image of the Third Reich. Wodehouse’s compliance with the request lands him in a firestorm back home, where he is condemned as a traitor by the press and the political establishment.
Prays that it may not be to his destruction, in consequence of the fraudulent proceedings of the Duke and Lord Aubigny, which are detailed.June 12 ? “Statement for the Lord Treasurer” of the unjust conduct of Lord Clifton towards the Duke , in getting the Duke’s lands into his hands, on occasion of the marriage of the Duke’s brother, Lord Aubigny, with Catherine, daughter of Lord Clifton.June 12. of Cambridge to Salisbury, their Chancellor. Thanks for his submitting to them the draft of the new charter solicited by the town of Cambridge. The enlargement of privileges sued for by the town is incompatible with their privileges.
Gentleman in the speech with which he first commended these proposals to the House declared that he was inaugurating an implacable war upon poverty. The proposals he has brought forward do involve a declaration of war, but the advance is not, and never has been, against poverty, but against the poor. Member for the North Lambeth Division to control himself.
I am not aware that anyone ever did question that particular statement. He went on to say that no one doubts, either, that the amount will swell, and he proceeded to give his reasons for thinking that a very large addition to the revenue would be required next year. No one doubts, I suppose, that there will be causes largely increasing the expenditure next year. I, at any rate, do not quarrel with any of the causes which the right hon.
He temporarily regains his sanity, but not for long. A trio of small time crooks are using cars to smuggle jewels out of the country and hit a snag when one of them sells the cars to Howie to smash up for the movie. Burgage in the High St wherein Thomas Smith lately dwelt, formerly in the occupation of William Smith his late father, the house and ground of John Smith in the occupation of Randall Beck on the E; the house and ground of Robert Crichton on the W; the High St on the N. All those 2 landes of Arable land lying and being in Greengrove in Newport Pagnell on the furlong called the Long Blakeland being on both sides of the Brick Kiln of Richard Chapman, with Liberty to dig and carry away the earth up to 20ft deep during the term. Property is 2 cottages wherein the said Thomas Potter and Stephen Bluck lately dwelt, also the Close or Pightle abutting on Dunghill Lane E; and the Common field called Bury Field on the W, also several parcels of land in the Portfield.
Christmas passed over very quietly in Lisburn. The weather has cold, but it was crisp and dry and suitable in every way for outdoor enjoyment. As was only in keeping with the fitness of things, after the strain of four long years of war, now victoriously ended, various religious services in the morning were well attended. There were not many attractions in the way of sport, and the majority of folk had to be content with what excitement one or other of the junior football matches had to offer.
I am having inquiry made as regards the suggestion of the hon. Fifty-one approved applicants will be provided with land by next February. The total number of approved applicants is 202 for 4,000 acres.
ranitidine side effects recall The scary part for the Giants is they usually start strong and collapse in December. Now they canat even make their way out of September. In Coughlinas first nine years with the Giants, they were in the first three games of the season and six times had a winning record. I support Manchester United doxycycline mg kg pediatric For workers, idle cash means idle hands and minds. With one in five Americans unemployed or underemployed, and real median wages in 2010 back down to the level of 1999, this is no time for capital to go on an extended holiday.
Thanks for the wardship of Art. Sends a buck as a token of good will.June 27.Warrant to pay to Thos. Bedingfield, Master, and Edm. Monday, Yeoman of the Tents, 33l.
I do not know what time the last tram leaves Manor House on Saturday nights. The first time I did the journey we did not stay at the scene of the murder at all, we came back directly, and I arrived three minutes before the hour at Eagle Wharf Road—on the second I stayed at the ditch for two minutes and started to return at 10.40. The prisoner did not tell me his name was not Slater before I read the paper to him—he told me that on the Saturday night when I went to his father—he did not say he came from Tottenham, he said Islington.